About the blog author Robin E-H. Hoard
I am not so much an academic or scientist, but a social entrepreneur. I see a problem like the protection of small cities, towns, villages, or rural settlements from climate change with no clear-cut answer to it, and I have to find one.
The worst parts of climate change is it can act like ruff sandpaper on the world. Over the years, decades, generation after generation it will wear away the fabric of nature and that of human civilization if left unchecked. This blog is meant to review the unforeseen dangers of climate change on human settlements and find answers to them.
This blog is an outgrowth of my design studio on the same subject. From a number of previous careers I have gained perspectives that have helped shape my interest on uncovering the dangers of environmental responses to extreme weather.
As I said, previous careers: developing an environmental science reference library for a foundation for ten years: Another career was as a technician, network manager, and field engineer/system integrator for several telecommunications original equipment manufacturers for almost twenty years.
And the one that was the most fun was an entertainment industry logistician in the, setting up and removing equipment in bare base environments. This is tied with working at open-source software conferences and in the open-source community.
About ClimateDefense.blog
ClimateDefense.blog is the juncture: of micro-climate studies in Dr. Rudolf Geiger’s book, The Climate Near the Ground (1927),
Along with the urban forests creation work of Dr. Akire Miyawaki (1976-2021), developer of the Miyawaki Method of creating urban forests to protect against natural disasters and conserve the environment and biodiversity; and
Nature-based solutions (NbS) the sustainable management and use of natural features and processes to tackle socio-environmental issues. These issues include climate change (mitigation and adaptation), water security, water pollution, food security, human health, biodiversity loss, and and disaster risk management. In my mine this is an outgrowth of a book by Ian L. McHarg, Design With Nature (1969) fifty years later.
Missing pieces to the climate change puzzle
This blog will also include an exploration of three themes not touched on: How to deal with the environmental responses to extreme weather,
Reviewing different ways to develop green infrastructure of early warning defense and civilian protection by supportive technologies of sensors, systems, and vast amounts of targeted information to maintain settlement safety for small cities, towns, and villages; and
The inadvertent message delivered by Mr. James Burke in his television series, After the Warming (1989). Showing the results of uncontrolled movements of displaced persons in their own country and refugees across international borders. The clear message is how to keep people safe on the land and in their at-risk communities and settlements.
The main goal of this blog is to share information, develop a community of interest on how to harden human settlements against climate change. This blog is not to debate climate change, only to prepare for the worst parts of it.